About Us
The SES Ski Nations (Small European Ski) was formed in Luxemburg in 1991 The Nations which formed it were : Andorra,Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal and San Marino.
The original committee consisted of:
- Marc Maisch (LUX) President
- Joseph Meiner (ISR) Vice President
- Paul Michaelides (CYP) Secretary
- Hugo Spinnox (BEL) Treasurer
- Eraldo Cellarossi (RSM) Member
- Sigurdur Einarsson (ISL) Member
- Edmond Pizzi (MON) Member
- Claude Toussaint(AND) Member
In 1998 the SES was moved to Cyprus under new statutes and because the word SES had become known to the Ski World it was named SMALL EVOLVING SKI NATIONS
In the meantime Algeria (ALG), Armenia (ARM), Bosnia & Herzegovina (BIH), Lebanon (LIB), Lithuania (LTU), Marocco (MAR), Montenegro (MNE), Rumania (ROM), South Africa (RSA), Serbia (SRB) and Slovakia (SVK) became Members and some left for various reasons.
The Present Executive Committee which governs the SES consists of:
- Milan Bozic (SRB), President;
- Pedro Farromba (POR), Vice President;
- Shane O’Connor (IRL) Secretary General;
- Freddy Kairouz (LIB), Treasurer;
- Jelena Dojcinovic (BIH), Legal Matters.
Independent Auditors: Deloitte Limited Certified Public Accountants and Registered Auditors 24 Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue 1075 Nicosia Cyprus
Assistant Secretary: Adamos Montanios
Legal Advisers: Montanios & Montanios Law Office
Registered office: 21 Amfipoleos Olympic House, Flat B212 Strovolos 2025 Nicosia Cyprus
Registration number: ΗΕ92522
MISSION AND Member Federation Obligations
Mission Statement
The aim of the SES is to promote the development of snow sports for all member nations through the promotion of SES competitions and SES initiatives working within the FIS family in accordance with the FIS calendar and FIS programmes.
Member Federation Obligations
1- SES member federations should abide by majority decisions agreed at SES AGM. Objections by member federation to any majority decision may be formally noted in the AGM meeting minutes.
2- SES member federations should be informed of and abide by decisions made by the SES Executive Committee. Objections must be by written protest within ten days of notification of any Executive Committee decision.
3- SES member federations should communicate with a unified voice and in accordance with majority decisions from SES AGM or SES Executive.
4- SES meetings will be closed meetings.
5- Member federations will be allowed one voice at SES AGM. Additional attendees from member federations will be permitted as observers only.
6- Member federations will be entitled to flight (economy only) and accommodation costs incurred for one attendee attending SES AGM.
7- SES Executive Committee will be entitled to flight (economy only) and accommodation costs incurred when attending SES AGM.
8-Additions to the agenda for SES AGM should be received by the Secretary no later than one month in advance of the date of the AGM.